What’s Cookin’: 22-Jan-11
Author :        Date : 22-Jan-11

I know it has been a while since my last What’s Cookin’ post, but many exciting changes have occurred within the past year for our VGCL website.  We have not been slouches at all, but have been hard at work.  This article gives a little summary of those past happenings, as well as what we have planned for the immediate future.  As always, our goal is to provide the best video game hardware information that the internet has to offer.

So without further adieu, let's get to it and show you a little bit of what we have been up to.


  • Tan (Keith) joined our VGCL team this past year. In addition to his outstanding expertise and passion for console hardware, his impressive literary skill compliments our team perfectly. Ensure to check out his VGCL Crewcast to experience first hand his considerable insight and writing prowess.
  • The Main Menu system has been updated to reflect consoles/items that we are still working on. I have appended any console\article that is not completed with "(coming soon)". Hopefully this will end some of the frustrations that I know you (our visitor) have been experiencing.
  • Fixed the 404 Error that some were experiencing when navigating away from one of our blog posts to another page on our site.
  • Redesigned the Articles Menu to include some of our blog content. Some great writings were getting lost in our blogs that deserved to be featured a bit more. We also wanted to share some of our general gaming thoughts to allow everyone the opportunity to get to know us a little better.
  • Blogs have been redesigned to include Categories, Tags and Archives. Tan was definitely the driver on this and I think he was spot on with his thinkings. I am extremely happy that the end result and I sincerely believe that this will enhance your experience while navigating our blogs.
  • We decided to remove any external Youtube videos and replace them with additional hardware pictures\game screen shots. Tan brought up the fact that it is extremely annoying when Youtube video links are no longer valid. Not too mention that maintaining this aspect of VGCL was (is) going to be an ongoing nightmare, this item was quickly taken off the backburner. This task was arduous since each custom written console page required editing (VGCL is not DB driven). In time we may add our own video content, which would obviously be under our direct control.
  • Various console\blog\article postings.

Current Workings

  • Develop Blog Archive to display a preview of the respective articles.
  • We are in the process of completing the Prototype Central article. This will basically take a snapshot look at consoles that became ‘vaporware’ along with early designs of the systems we enjoy to this day.
  • The following console pages are nearing completion: PC-50X Family, Mattel Intellivision, Nintendo 64DD, Fairchild Channel F and the NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx.

Thank you for your support as we continue to enhance VGCL and keep the history of the console alive for all.
Happy gaming all and I’ll touch base again soon.


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